So, about that Gillette commercial....
It was quite polarizing, to say the least. Plenty of ads use controversial topics or provocative content to generate discussion, which spreads, virus-like through dinner rooms and water coolers at work. Ultimately, it leads to increased sales.
But this didn't. The polarized climate, coupled with the nature of their demographic and it's utilitarian purpose (they aren't selling motorcycles or karaoke machines, people!) caused a knee-jerk response from long-term customers and even uninvolved spectators.
It's a good time for other brands to make counter-statements about unity and independence and being yourself, but more importantly, it's a good time to pull the lens back and analyze why climates of fierce debate aren't good times to pick sides and double down on narrow talking points.
I believe in freedom. I believe a person can say anything they want, provided it isn't a threat or slander.
I also believe that if you want to sell candy bars, don't make fun of overweight kids OR skinny kids. And if you want to sell razors, don't narrow your market by demonizing one group for another.
But what do I know, I haven't shaved my face since summer.