This was for a Libertarian conference regarding the 1st Amendment.
Tyler: Magic
Trane wanted a silent commercial. It's a challenge, as commercials only have two senses to operate on: sight and sound. They'd gone with several other copywriters and they'd failed. I did not.
Image by CDC
Getting tested for something you dread needs a delicate balance between incentivizing relief while still maintaining concern.
Image by Curtis MacNewton
It's important when writing for supplements to use language that prevents the product from being misconstrued as an FDA researched medicine.
Heirloom Retouch
Heirloom Retouch wanted to showcase their service and simultaneously showcase a wholesome respectability.
Visalis wanted something that could function as both a video script AND long-form digital text ad.
"Oni Out"
This avante-garde Direct Mail campaign is hard to explain without a crash course in Shinto, but just know the client was overjoyed.